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The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao or Shu Xiang, is a repeating cycle of 12 years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. In order, the 12 Chinese horoscope animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
Snake Chinese ZodiacSnakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of "The White Snake", you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what they expect. Yet Snakes are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and they have have excellent manners. Unlike the Snake who seduced Eve in to sin. the astrological Snake, is not a devil, not even a little demon. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything they undertake to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. They make their decisions quickly and firmly. Most people are secretly or hopelessly in love with Snakes. Gather those frustrated folk you know and most likely, they are probably in love with a Snake. Irresistible as they seem, the Snake never wastes time in idle gossip. They think often and deeply. They are an intellectual, a philosophers, a cerebral person. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. They seem to have a kind of sixth sense in this way. Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though their sympathy for others often leads them to offer help. The fatal flaw in their character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate - in helping friends as with everything else. If they do somebody a favour, they become possessive towards them in an odd way. Another big flaw in a Snake's character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don't lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it. In money matters, the Snake has good luck: they don't have to worry - they'll always be able to lay their hands on money when they need it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve him in any risk - even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy. In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming. They have a good sense of humour and the female snake is usually beautiful and successful. but if a Snake chooses a partner, they'll be jealous and possessive - even if they no longer love that partner. Rejection is the worst blow their delicate ego can suffer. The Snake must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom they come in contact with. They need a lot of security. Compatible: Roosters & Oxen Incompatible: Tigers, Horses, Monkeys & Pigs
Also check other horoscopes for the Chinese sign of the Snake:
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Birthday HoroscopeAstrological Profile for Those Born On September 8
Your Sun Sign is Virgo Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Saturn. You are not only creative, you are able to channel your vision into practical avenues of expression. You are not well-suited to routine work. Your mind is always busy, and if you're not using it productively, you are given to worrying and overanalyzing. Some worrying is good--you are strong at organizing. Too much, and you fret over the small stuff. Overall, however, you are hopeful and fresh, and have a wonderful spin on life that intrigues others. You are hard-working, inventive, and talented. Your ideas are goldโyou can generally turn a brainchild into something lucrative. Your lucky colors are deep blue and black. Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst. Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71. Famous people born on your birthday include Jimmie Rodgers, Sid Caesar, Peter Sellers, Patsy Cline, David Arquette and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. |
Calculate Your BiorhythmThe Biorhythm is a rhythm that describes the shape of your day. The performance and the State of mind are subject to rhythms in humans. Biorhythm charts illustrate the principle that we are influenced by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles. Many people report that they can improve the quality of their lives by monitoring the highs and lows of these cycles and acting accordingly.
Daily Chinese Horoscope
Verify your own Chinese horoscope for today for all 12 zodiac signs. The Daily Chinese Horospoce will alert you to obstacles and inform you about surprises during your day. Uncover all answers that the universe is keeping far from you just by analizing daily prophecies for men and women.
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake |
Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Pig |
Daily Love Horoscope
See your forecasts and learn more about forces affecting your contacts with people and capacities. Gather all information you need from this free love horoscope, that assures 100% accurate predictions for all 12 zodiac signs. Get familiar with your love horoscope and check out what the universe has to tell you in the matter of romance, affection and liaison with other people.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Vibration For Today
This is a good day for planning, looking back, and evaluating. Accomplishments, both current and past, can be analyzed and valued for the effects they may have on the future. The number Seven day is made for meditating and getting in touch with your innermost feelings. It is also a good day for going back over your most recent activities to judge the merits of your actions and see what you would most need to change. No new beginnings or changes for this day though, leave that to another time better suited for those activities.
Suitable Activities: Gardening, Planning, Board Games, Hindsight. |
Planet PositionsIn astrology, the different positions of planets and other celestial bodies of the universe, at the precise moment of a person's birth is a highly influential factor of his life such that it gives important insights into a person's nature and his course of life. Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet, which influences how someone moves through life. This planet gives insight into the core traits and personality of each zodiac sign. Planetary positions today is the exact current planetary positions in horoscope view with planets longitude degrees and placement in zodiac sign.